Wow, you should see all the new fabric we've gotten lately! Especially Alaskana fabrics - we now have TWO round racks full! Alaska batiks, totems, northern lights, otters, whales, etc, etc.I want to update you on the summer parka class. It is not going to be the end of May, but the 26, 28, and 30th of June, a Thursday night, all day Saturday, finishing up on Monday night. This is longer than the first class, as we discovered the first class just wasn't enough time to complete it. So we've increased the cost to $35 from $30 - still a bargain. There is a limit on the number of people Lonnie can teach at one time, so the first to pay will have their spaces locked in. However, there may be a waiting list, so if you sign up and can't make it, PLEASE call and let us know. Then we can see if someone else wants in. (this would be common courtesy anyway, if a teacher prepares for a certain number of people and then they don't show up.....)
We also plan to have a bag class by Eddy in July, probably the 19th. and Marcia wants to teach a beginner wallhanging sometime soon. Other than that, summer is a busy time for people to fit classes in, but we'll try to keep some going.
The guild is sponsoring Carol Wight Jones this Friday and Saturday. If you are signed up, read your papers that you received for your prework, and what to bring. Check with Eddy if you aren't signed up and would like to be.Spread the word to friends who might want to be on our email list, this is the best way to get the word out.
Thanks everyone! We appreciate your business - stay tuned for a sale!
Maribeth, Jackie, Marcia, Eddy, Dave
The Calico Cow
P.O. Box 648
1380 Richardson Hwy
Delta Junction Alaska