Owners: Maribeth Miller and Jackie Becker
You are getting this either because you signed up for our email list, or you are an FMKQ guild member. We wanted to let you all know what is coming up at the Calico Cow. If you don't want to be on our list, please let us know. Or if you know someone who would like to be on this list, please have them let us know. Thanks!
We've been meaning to do this for a long time, and January seemed like a good time to start it! We might be downsizing our ad in the Delta Wind, so this will be a good way to get the word out.
First of all I wanted to remind you all that this Friday night (Jan. 11th) is PIZZA NIGHT! 5:00 to whenever (usually 9:00 or so). We order the pizza and you pay $15.00 for pizza and fun times with other quilters (who are automatically friends, right?)
Saturday the 12th is the FMKQ guild craft day, when we will be working on our raffle quilt for this year. Start at 9:30, and bring a potluck lunch.
On Saturday January 26th Jackie will be teaching a heart wallhanging, in celebration of "July in January". It is red, white and blue, and could be used for Valentine's Day, or to be patriotic - any time of the year! It is not a beginner project, because of small strips, etc. Stop in the see it. To reward our long-time customers, this class is only $10!
Brown Bag night is Friday night Jan 25th - I think! I'll let you know if it's not. Brown Bag night is the same as Pizza Night except you bring your own supper, and it's only $5.
February starts off with Pizza Night 8th, followed by the FMKQ craft day on the 9th. We do it that way so people can come to pizza night and leave their machines set up for craft day - no hauling it back and forth! For February craft day, I (Maribeth) will be teaching a small bargello wallhanging of northern lights and a polar bear, that people have been asking for. Fun!
Saturday February 16th, Marcia will be teaching a beginner quilt in flannel, for any beginners who are interested in a class. We hope to have a sample and fabric requirements in the shop soon. $20, which is a really great deal for a quilting class.
The next Saturday, Feb 23rd, I will teach a larger bargello quilt for those who want a bargello, but are not satisfied with a wallhanging! $20 plus pattern "Jelly Bargelly".
That's about it for now! March will be the FMKQ Spring Fling, and hopefully we can squeeze in another class or two. Thanks for listening - feel free to give us feedback on this email idea. We'll give you any updates as needed on classes and sales.
Happy quilting, and be sure to let us know soon if you're coming to Pizza Night this Friday!
The Calico Cow
P.O. Box 648
1380 Richardson Hwy
Delta Junction Alaska
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